Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Day 25: Reminiscent Red - 2012 Holiday Barbie


Reminiscent. Reminiscent of what?


Lots of similarities! Red and silver for one. Silver down one side of the skirt. Okay, so this year is more modern but I think that they were going for a somewhat similar look.

Blond and brunette? Can I have both? Well, there's an AA one too, how about all three?Just look at that jewelry. So beautiful! These dolls all have an absolutely stunning look about them. I so want them all!

They are so beautiful in the color of the season.

Will you be receiving her for Christmas? I already know I'm getting her. I saw a Holiday Barbie shaped box under the tree already. :)

I hoped you enjoyed my 25 Days of Barbie mini-series. It was fun to take a trip down memory lane and remember these dolls. What fun this was! I would love to see your new doll things, please post a link to some pictures in the comments. I love to share the joy and thrill of new doll things.

Thank you all for being faithful readers. Keep checking back as I will be posting more dolls and other "Barbie Holiday" memorabilia at least until the end of January. See you all soon and have a very Merry Christmas!



  1. Got the blonde but all of them are adorable.

    But Mattel is cheaping out on the Holiday dolls - no more doll stand. Not good.

    I got Monster High Dead Tired Lagoona with her hydration station, so cute.

  2. I got the blonde one as well. No stand? That is SO not good. I also noticed that the inside box that she is adhered to is a little cheap. Is Mattel in financial trouble? Collector dolls (or dolls aimed that way) need to have a stand for sure.

    I just looked at the Dead Tired Lagoona with hydration station. That is such a cute playset! I absolutely LOVE it! :D So so cute. I may have to get one of those now too!
