Monday, December 31, 2012

More Barbie Christmas-ness

Hello all!

I hope you all had a wonderful and prosperous Christmas. I know that I sure did! It's always wonderful getting to spend quality time with friends and loved ones.

I mentioned in my last 25 Days of Barbie post that I would be posting more Holiday Barbie things till the end of January. So here is one!

I also mentioned in some of my 25 Days of Barbie posts that I acquired some Barbie Hallmark Ornaments. So I decided to pull them out since they have been stored for quite some time. There were a lot that I had forgotten about. Here they are!

Here we have the collection of vintage doll ornaments. Original 1959, Bride, Solo in the Spotlight, Enchanted Evening, and Gay Parisienne Barbie.

Here we have Barbie and Ken on their wedding day. Love this set!

Next is this little collection including Japanese Barbie, Native American Barbie, and a special Year 2000 edition Harley Davidson Barbie.

Now we have the springtime Barbie collection (and Barbie as Rapunzel on the left.) The Springtime dolls series are from the left: 1997, 1995, and 1996.

These are two ornaments that are not dolls. On the left is Holiday Traditions Barbie and the right Victorian Elegance Barbie.

Now here is the back and the inside of the ornament. The inside reads: "Inspired by the 1994 Hallmark exclusive Victorian Elegance Barbie Doll."

Here is a 40th Anniversary doll "40 Years of Fashion". The bodice of her dress is supposed to mimic the original swimsuit fashion.

The 1988 and 1993 Happy Holidays Dolls. The 1988 was a Hallmark Ornament Collectors Club Exclusive. My mom joined the club to get me this ornament. I wish she had stayed in for the other earlier Happy Holidays Dolls!

The1994 and 1995 Happy Holidays Dolls

The 1996 and 1997 Happy Holidays Dolls

The 1998 Happy Holidays Doll

The 1999 Millennium Princess and the 2000 Celebration Barbie each holding their adorable ornaments!

The 2001 Holiday Celebration Barbie and 2004 Holiday Barbie (in green!)

So I don't have all of them. My mom stopped getting them for me after 2000. I think I picked up these last two when I was out shopping the day after Christmas. As you know there is A LOT of Barbie collector items so sometimes you have to pick and choose what you want to collect (unless you have a 5,000 square foot house to store and display them which most of us do NOT have!) :) But what I do have is super cute and I love and treasure them all!

I did get one more Barbie Ornament this year. But you will have to guess! This is the description from the back of the box. *hint* She is a vintage.

"A hush falls over the crowd as Barbie strolls into the concert hall for the performance. No woman has ever worn flaming crimson with such confidence - or such style! The picture of studied elegance, Barbie wears a bold modern jacket dress with leopard trim, a pillbox hat, and matching scarf and pumps. The society pages will be talking about this outfit for days to come!"

Do you know who she is?

















Matinee Fashion! My wonderful mom bought her for me. Mostly only because I have her with my mom's original fashion.

So that is all my ornaments. I hope you enjoyed!

Everyone have a very happy and safe New Year's Eve! I'm going to stay home and play with dolls. What could be more fun? :)


  1. You are tempting me, lol. They are adorable, especially the Victorians.

    I see the 1998 ornament has the hood instead of a stole. So they must have forgotten to inform Hallmark of that switch in design. Actually I like both designs, stole and hood version.

    Matinee Fashion is so cute.

  2. Tempting you to.....get them? :D They are fun.

    I also noticed that the 1998 has the hood. I like the hood but I think I like the stole version better, just for the little tassels on the end! :)
