Monday, January 26, 2015

Christmas Treasures 2014 Post #4

Welcome back to another exciting post of new Christmas goodies!

The hubby asked me what I wanted for Christmas. Naturally I said "Dolls!"

Of course, he has no idea what to get me so I cheerfully exclaimed that I would buy them online and then he could wrap them and put them under the tree. And I'd be lying if I said I forgot what they were. But I pretended so I would be "surprised" on Christmas. :)

The newest addition to my Ever After High Collection: Thronecoming C.A. Cupid!

With the exception of Raven Queen, this has got to be one of the prettiest (and most unique!) dresses I have ever seen. It just fits Cupid so well and she is absolutely stunning!

Her corsage is simple pink flowers.

Her handbag is designed with "a string of laurel leaves, just like the ones my Uncle Apollo wears for a sun-inspired crown."

Her earrings are cuffed wings given to her by her cousin Hermes. They "help deliver messages loud and clear, which will be perfect if I have to give an acceptance speech."

And what's unique is her left ear is a little different than the right!

And finally, the last gift given to her is her A-MA-ZING shoes! These "gladiator-style sandal heels are by far my favorite. They were a going away gift from my Aunt Athena."

Holy WOW! These are fabulous! The tassel heel? The up to the knee style? I don't know about you but I have NOT seen a more fabulous shoe yet on any Ever After or Monster High doll. And they have some great shoes! But these are just super super mega cool. I'm serious. Mattel could get some great commission if a shoe designer were to make these into people shoes. I mean, who could pass these up?

Cupid has some great gifts from her relatives. But she also sports a great set of wings. Complete with a heart in back! To me her regular wings have more of an angel feel while these definitely take on that mythology feel. Super fancy for thronecoming!

Her dress is naturally pink with a heart themed design. It has an open skirt (to show off those awesome shoes!) which has a shimmery designed overlay on a solid color satin underlayer.

Also a one piece bodice with two additional skirt tiers. 

Cupid's mask is designed after a Pegasus and is most likely the inspiration behind her wings.

Cupid has the same jewels on her face that Raven and Apple have. Hers are little hearts. She still has the same cupid-lip scheme going on that she had on her first-wave doll but it's less prominent. 

Her hair also features bangs and two long tendrils that hang on either side of her face. I love the hair do!

The rest of her hair is hung in a side style ponytail. I love the hair but I think it takes away from the visibility of the wings! 

You know I'm a sucker for pink hair dolls so you knew she would be entering into my collection. :) Friends, do you have Thronecoming C.A. Cupid? Will she be added to your collection? Let me know in the comments!

Until next time!


  1. What a cutie she is. Her shoes and earrings make me drool. I haven't seen her in our stores yet. The store I got Raven from doesn't seem to sell EAH anymore, which is pretty odd. I hope they just sold out and are waiting for more stock.

  2. Oh I hope they get more in! In the stores where I live, they never had the entire set of Thronecoming dolls, i've had to piece them together from different places. I'm on a mission to now find Briar. They had a TON of that playset now it seems they are non-existent! I have a feeling that EAH are going to turn quick in stores as they are so popular.
