Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Teresa's Terrific Throwback - Post 3


I'm back with the latest installment of my throwback series! It's fun taking a trip down memory lane, isn't it? 

If you missed the first two posts, you can click on the links below! They open in a new window so don't be afraid to click and read!

Throwback 1 

Throwback 2 

Well, shall we see what we have today? 

Another favorite from my childhood

That's right! The yarn hair Rainbow Brite doll!

I had many "favorites" as a child but there were the big three: Strawberry Shortcake, Barbie, and Rainbow Brite. I had bed sheets, dolls, clothes, blankets, towels....if it had Rainbow Brite on it, I had it. 

This doll has definitely been loved. She had an emblem on her chest (on the red part) that has since fallen off and she is a little dirty. Her entire body is soft and made of nylon so it should spot clean nicely. I also gave her a fabulous rainbow bracelet to wear. 

Do any of you recall Rainbow Brite? Each of her friends had their own "sprite" who gather the color crystals. Hers is named Twink. He was in the toy box too! Unfortunately he was not as fluffy as usual because I washed him and his fur became matted. But he was very dirty so now he's clean and smells nice. 

And here they are together. BFF's!

I also found in the box, the sprite for La La Orange. His name is O.J.! He did not get washed and if you bounce him up and down, he squeaks! He is just a little smaller than Twink.

Do you have any Rainbow Brite dolls or toys? Let me know in the comments!

I'll be back soon with another post!


  1. I love Rainbow Brite was a little girl in the 80s

  2. 80's kids, represent! :) She was the best wasn't she?

  3. The Rainbow Brite Line almost escaped me, lol. They are very cute and the colors are very appealing to kids. I remember giving a green sprite to my oldest niece for christmas in the 80's. She still has him today.

  4. Andrea, that's awesome! I love when our friends and family still have gifts we gave them from long ago. :) Memories.....

    Yes, the bright colors I think are what drew me in as a kid. Throwing "star sprinkles" around and coloring the world is a great concept to keep kids entertained.
