

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Christmas Treasures #2

Welcome again!

I actually have one more dolly from before Christmas that I would like to showcase but it's kind of a process to photograph so until I get around to that one, here is another one of my fabulous Christmas treasures. Hubby asked what I wanted and he sure delivered!

Adding to the Way Too Wonderland line, the fabulous Madeline Hatter!

Don't you just love her? 

When I got her, I had to take a picture of her hat right out of the box. It was so ridiculous that I had to change it right away. The hat was completely horizontal on her head.

I know this is Wonderland but that's too much. ;)

Now what we've fixed her hat and we don't have to turn our heads sideways to see it, we can see that it has cards on the side with ribbons and a teal teapot. 

Her earrings are little gold clocks.

She wears a charm necklace consisting of a teapot, teacup, clock and spoon. That is cute and so clever!

 She wears black gloves adorned with a pink hat ring.

I love the style of this dress. It's just awesome! Her dress underneath is a simple plain teal strapless thigh-length stretch dress. Then there is this overcoat with a blue swirl print with spades, queen chess pieces and teacups on the bottom. It's tied together with a large purple bow with polka dots. Don't you just LOVE it?

One thing that I didn't care for was the material of the overcoat. It's the stiff satin and it took some fixing to get it to lay right coming out of the box. It's still not how I like it but it may relax a little over time. 

Maddie has the same clock that the other dolls have come with. Mine however has to stay backwards. It doesn't snap closed!


I addition to her hot pink tights, she has these super sweet teacup and ruffle shoes.

Perfect for Maddie!

Maddie's hair is the same purple and sea-foam theme with some pink streaks added in the front. Maddie's hair is curly so naturally it came out of the box matted and tangled. Because it was so flat I had to pick through it a little and it turned to frizz city. 

I'm not sure what the deal is. My original Maddie Hatter came out of the box with actual curls, not a matted mess.

And my original Apple doll came with beautiful ringlets. This is right out of the box! What gives Mattel?

Well, her hair is going to need work. Her and Lizzie can make an appointment with Poppy O'Hair for the royal treatment!

What do you think of Way Too Wonderland Madeline Hatter? Did she make your way into your collection? Let me know in the comments!

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Another backlog from before Christmas (and an ID!)

Wow, I've got a lot of dolly things to catch up on! I'll be posting for a while but that's good right? I love all the people who read this blog so thank you for your support and helping me with my ID's! I plan on hitting the thrift store later this week so I'll see if I can come up with anything good for you to help me identify. :)

But first, as the title suggests, i've got an ID today! This is not something I have but something I totally want and will pay anything for (well, within reason.)

This is a screenshot from the Paper Purse Craft video on YouTube on the My Froggy Stuff channel. This is not my photo or my doll. My Froggy Stuff stamp shown in the lower RH corner of the photo.

Anyone else follow My Froggy Stuff on YouTube? She is an awesome crafter and inspires me to craft (when I have time.) I was watching one of her latest videos when I saw this doll wearing the most adorable and cutest sweater. 

I don't know if Froggy made this one herself but the dino print is just perfect. So, HELP! Does anyone know which doll wears this sweater? Google searches for me came up empty. 

Okay, now on to the doll. I had a hard time restraining myself a while ago (in September to be exact.) I purchased some things for my cousins baby shower and I had been mulling around the idea of purchasing this doll for a year or so. I wanted to buy her at the right price. I got her at a good deal and there are not many left on Amazon from what I can see now. But because I am collecting the Way Too Wonderland set, I had to get her too. 

Briar Beauty!

In my opinion, there have not been enough Briar dolls. I love Briar so I think it's good that they made a doll form of her for Way Too Wonderland (also, if you've seen the movie on Netflix, you'll know why she was there in Wonderland.) 

What drew me to her first was of course, that HUGE rose in her hair. But also the pink and green theme. I think they are just gorgeous together. I love the shade of pink they used. Just so perfect for Briar.

It may be hard to see but her earrings are a string of butterflies. And I think the vine collar is a great addition to Briar. It's fun to see other characters with collars, not just Raven.

Following the vine theme is her bracelet also with a butterfly. Her ring is a rose. They are not connected.

Her dress skirt is printed with roses and vines and she also has a blue clock like the other dolls. Her dress top is pink with swirls and wears a silver rose necklace. So perfect, so Briar! (Anyone notice the card suits on the vines?)


These are just wonderful. As I've said in previous posts, if Mattel got into the shoe business they would kill it. The most perfect blue shoes with butterflies and roses!

What detail!!

The back of her hair is nothing special. Her hair is in a ponytail and they put it up in the bouffant in the front of her hair. This is just the ends. But again, that collar! I love how it's kind of transparent.

I've read in places that Briar was a Wal-Mart exclusive when the movie came out (kind of like the Spring Unsprung Kitty Cheshire.) Does anyone know for sure? 

What do you think of Way Too Wonderland Briar Beauty? Has she been added to your collection? Let me know in the comments!

I'll have another post for you all soon. Until then!