Greetings Friends!
I know you all are shocked but I don't have any "new" dolly things to show you! I'm all caught up! I even went to the thrift store a few weeks ago and found not ONE doll! Can you believe that?!
But that doesn't mean that I can't pull out one of the beautiful dolls I have from my NRFB collection!
This beautiful doll is just so stunning so when I saw the box I knew she was the target for today's post.
Presenting - Angelic Inspirations Barbie!
The box has a cardboard overlay and you can remove that and flip the surround around so you can display her through plastic. Which makes it nice for boxed but deboxed photos.
I looked online and it shows that this doll is from 1999 and I got her for Christmas one year. My mom ordered her through the Avon catalogue. And she is stunning!
The top of her hair is done up in a dewdrop and is held in place by gold and white rosettes. One of my favorite parts of this doll is the tendrils that fall down in front of her and the sweet expression on her face.
She wears an empire waist gown with more rosettes at the waist and it's full of gold glitter. Don't you love those gold wings?
The little dove is a cute feature. It can balance on your finger or Barbie's hand!
See that little tab under the bird's beak? That lever will make the bird chirp! And I tried it and it still works!
She also comes with a doll stand, an instruction guide (that shows you how to position the bird on her hand or your finger) and these little inspiration cards. This one says "Your dreams are doors to the future, be ready to open them." There are 4 in the pack.
The back of the box reads: "The inspiration to dream comes from all around you: a dove's sweet song, the ever-changing clouds, and a delicate rose. Your Angelic Inspirations doll is a radiant golden vision, created to inspire you to realize your own dreams. Graced with a whisper of angel wings, she is truly glorious in her glittery gown with is billowy overskirt and roses at her waist. Her cascading golden hair with its ribbons and roses frames her sweet face. Her eyes are full of promise. With your gentle touch, Barbie doll's dove "sings." It balances on her hand and on your fingertips. Inside: Angelic Inspirations Barbie doll brings four messages of inspiration on purse-sized cards for you to read and share with the special people in your life."
And down at the bottom it reads that the dove has a non-replaceable battery so I am very amazed that it hasn't gone bad by now.
While I was getting this one out of the box I saw another angel that I would like to share. This one has DEFINITELY been removed from the box.
Bubble Angel Barbie!
I should get a twist tie to hold her waist in place. This one is from 1994 and I was 14 at the time. She didn't get played with much because I was too "old" for Barbies. Now look at me! I'm 37 and still play with dolls, maybe more than I did when I was a kid! :)
She really is a pretty doll with that classic 90's Barbie face. And the wings make bubbles!
Pretty crimped hair and I love the bodice of her angel outfit!
The iridescent crunchy fabric of the skirt is awesome for posing her for photos. I'm guessing they used this because it could be easy to clean if bubble solution dripped on it. She wears sparkly tights with the type of glitter that falls off if you look at it the wrong way. It's not too bad if you don't move her too much. But I do think the tights just make the outfit!
She also comes with icy blue flats.
Accessories include a wand, bubble solution, tray for dipping the wings into and a comb. The bubble solution is all gone so i'm guessing I used it up back in the day. Anyone guess what the wand is for?
Holding the wings so you don't get any solution on Barbie! This is probably what I did.
Here's the back of the box. It reads: "Once upon a Magical Night Barbie dreamed she was an angel. Every time she took flight, beautiful bubbles flowed from her magical wings. Every sparkling bubble was filled with wishes and love."
And that's it for today! Do you have Angelic Inspirations Barbie or Bubble Angel Barbie in your collection? Have an angel doll that is your favorite? Let me know in the comments!
Until next time!
Your Angelic Inspirations doll is very pretty, but then I'm a sucker for the Mackie face mold. :)