Monday, September 16, 2019

The Barbie Collectors Club - Executive Lunch


The weather is changing. A little sad isn't it? I'm a summer girl and I get kind of grumpy when I don't have sun. I am a true victim of SAD - seasonal affective disorder. However, despite how cold it is outside, I have some really awesome things to bring to you in the next coming weeks. Its' going to take me a while to photograph them all so here is something that I've been wanting to share for a while. Just never got around to it!

Dad brought me this box. 

And inside was the fashion that they gave out to all the Barbie Collectors Club members in 1999!

On the left side we have a notebook with a photo of.....

...Embassy Waltz Barbie!

This was a brochure that was included with this kit. You had to hurry and get her "before she dances away." LOL

Let's get to the fashion! Executive Lunch. It was easy to open this and get some good photos!

Pearl necklace and bracelet and black and white shoes.

The purse is cute and has a red ribbon. I guess you could put this in the dolls hair or around her neck (or leave as is!)

Jacket and bodysuit

Skirt and real pantyhose!

On the Mattel website it said that this outfit was very Chanel-esque. The back of the box reads: "Designed exclusively for members of The Official Barbie Collectors Club. If there is one thing our Barbie collectors want, it's unique and realistic fashions for Barbie doll to wear. If there is a second thing, it's unique and realistic packaging that allows you to easily remove, replace and store each lovely fashion again and again. We heard you! We are proud to present Executive Lunch Fashion, another exciting ensemble with all he quality, realism and meticulous attention to detail you cherish, presented exclusively for you, in a completely redesigned package giving you: a place for every thing, and every thing in it's place! It's so simple to open and close! It's quick and easy to slip her tailored jacket and skirt on and off its fashion 'sleeve'. And look how beautifully her black and white spectator shoes, her pantyhose, her double strand faux pearl jewelry, and her purse display in their own separate compartments! We listened, and we will always listen as we continue to embody the highest level of beauty, quality and innovation to all our fashions made exclusively for you, the discriminating Barbie doll collector. Enjoy!" 

And yes, there are little cardboard cutout sleeves for you to slip the fashions back on when you are finished (easy to see with the pantyhose). And the plastic for the jewelry and shoes and purse can be easily replaced into the packaging for safe keeping. But to start they do have hang tags that you have to snip. 

I wish the box did come with the collectors pin!

This is where it tells us the use of the binder. 

There was also a poster detailing Barbies face mold through the years. 

And "It was 1959 when it all began."

And every year since, she has seemed even more beautiful, even more popular, and even more loved.

Wow, this is a huge poster! "Forty Years of Favorites."

I'm going to photograph this in quadrants. Some of our vintage favorites. 

Branching out into the Superstar Look

The fabulous 80's

Some some Haute Couture of the 90's

The back of the box features these two beauties. 

So friends, what do you think of Executive Lunch? Were you in the Barbie Collectors Club and if so, what fashions do you have? Let me know in the comments below!

More to come so until then!


  1. What a great acquisition! I'm sure one of your Barbies will rock that outfit.

    I get SAD during the winter as well; it's awful, isn't it? Mine can spiral into depression, with a lot of the negative symptoms from that. I have a light box that I use to provide me with enough natural light during the darker months.

  2. Thanks Barb! I really want to put it on a Silkstone doll. It would look so fabulous. Just have to get one!

    A light box is a great idea. I've toyed with the idea of getting one, I might just have to pull the plug and do it. I think it would really help!
