Man, has your week been as crazy as mine? We just passed the first day of autumn and it sure does feel like autumn. Where I live, once September 21 hits, the rain starts and it gets cold outside. Its literally like a switch, not even kidding. It also means that the big garage sale season is coming to a close. But before everyone packs away their unwanted goods for the winter, my dad came across these awesome dolls and picked them up for me. Thanks Dad!!
First, you remember the little teaser post with the super fab Vespa scooter? Well here it is!
How adorable is this! I remember someone posting that this belongs to a My Scene doll, not Barbie. Am I remembering correctly?
The only downside to this little scooter is it's missing the lid for the helmet compartment. But I'll have to find a cute Fashionista doll to ride on this. Love it and it's in great condition!
For only one little Hamilton ($10, I had to look that up :-) ) my dad picked up these lovelies. And dudes too!
Looks like Sleeping Beauty Barbie and Prince Ken have some visitors!
First, the most adorable Sleeping Beauty Barbie. I've heard of her but never actually seen one in person.
The way these dolls are kept reminds me of how I used to keep my dolls when they were not being played with. Back in their box with the original inside packaging where they wouldn't get dusty or dirty. She is in just beautiful condition and she has her original shoes too!
And just like Sleeping Beauty, her eyes open....
and close.
There is a lever on her back when you engage it, you can raise her right arm and her eyes will open then close again when you put it back down. Disengage the lever and her eyes are permanently open.
She is just so pretty. It appears that her face is shiny but not due to old vinyl. Her head is a hard plastic probably for the eye mechanism. She did not come with her magic musical pillow (boo!) but came with her brush and shoes.
Introducing Prince Ken!
Before I physically got these dolls, my mom was telling me over the phone that this was the Ken face that she liked. I was not sure of which mold she was talking about. She is not fond of the blond hair Ken, she does not think that he is that cute. She said that this Ken face is much better. I will have to agree! As much as I like the other Ken's too, I love this head mold.
This Ken came with everything: shield, sword and brush! And like Barbie, in super stellar condition. I cannot find a blemish on either of these dolls.
I picture of the newly awakened beauty and her prince!
Let's meet their friends, shall we?
Oh my, this guy is in need of a hair-do!
I am not familiar with this head mold. Anyone know who he might be?
Looky here. An EXCELLENT Spot Scene Barbie! Wrong shoes but I'm sure I can find some socks and her original shoes on eBay or something.
The other Spot Scene Barbie I have had her lipstick coming off. I didn't really like the nude color lipstick but this one has a pink shine to it. Love!
And lastly, this gorgeous Teresa doll. She is SOO pretty.
It took quite a bit of searching but luckily I found out who she was. She is
Princess Barbie from 2000. They also had a blonde "Barbie" version of her from some images that I found.
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She, like the other dolls, has a perfect dress but no shoes! She has purple painted-on ballet slippers. Was that a trend for dolls for a while? I seem to be coming across more and more of those lately.
I do have more dolls that came with these but they will have to wait. There is one in particular that I am super excited about. :) I also have dressed some of the dolls from our Ladies Night in their original fashions. Those will be in a future post as well!
Tune in next Tuesday for the October Haute Couture doll of the month! You're going to love her.
Until then!