Well, here it is. I am going to go bankrupt. I wanted to share some new Ever After High lines. They are seriously stealing my heart!
Remember "Just Sweet" Blondie Lockes? Well, I was incorrect in that post. There is not a "Just Sweet" line. The correct term is "Sugar Coated." And it comes with a new Holly O'Hair, Cedar Wood, and Madeline Hatter.
LOVE. And the shoes. Oh my goodness. They come with accessory treats.
The oven mitt! I can't even.....
Cedar has a....I can't tell what it is. Anyone know?
Maddie. Super cute with her frosting dispenser!
I love these. They are so cute. And it's about time we got a new Maddie! I wasn't too impressed with the Mirror Beach dolls.
Also, Ginger Breadhouse has her Bakery Class playset. How cute is this! The bench is those wafers and gingerbread men chair! So adorable.
Okay! So we have the Sugar Coated line. But this line I want even more.
Get ready for the dolls of.....Way Too Wonderland!
Oh my goodness. lovelovelovelovelovelovelove
Apple White. Check that bow in her hair. And that DRESS!!!
Madeline Hatter. I love the hat. So fitting!
Kitty Cheshire. Okay, this has got to be the most creative thing ever. The clock hanging off the tail? The fur around the neck? And the yellow color? Simply amazing!
Now for the best one of all. Lizzie Hearts! Check out that collar! And the swan in the crown? SO SO SO AWESOME.
FRIENDS. I am going to go broke. However I do love the Way Too Wonderland line better than the Sugar Coated line.
Remember what I said in the beginning of my Ever After High collecting? I fell in love with Ashlynn Ella and found her on a super sale at Target so I bought her. It was just going to be her. Then it expanded into the basic first wave dolls. Then you know i'm a sucker for ball gowns so I had to get the Thronecoming line. And I just LOVE the Wonderlandians so now I have another line to get. Gah! But what can I say. I just collect what I love and that's the fun of it right?
And while I was searching for pictures I found this and I could not stop laughing.
Monster High Freak du Chic Gooliope Jellington.
Gooliope? That's hilarious! I guess she's the daughter of The Blob? I love the radioactive symbols in her eyes!
What do you think of these two lines? And if you collect Monster High, thinking of getting Gooliope Jellington? Love her, hate her? Let me know in the comments! Until next time!
Well friends, I finally got it! My Briar Beauty Thronecoming playset is deboxed and photographed!
And it took FOR-EVER to get this thing out. Well, the playset itself was not bad. Just pull the unit out and the accessories came in one bag. The doll however, was glued, taped, stapled, I almost had to call the Fire Department to help get her out of her entrapment.
Well, I finally got her out and got some pictures taken! She is much more lovely out of the box, wouldn't you agree?
She has very lovely makeup and her earrings are chandeliers like the one that comes with the playset.
Like mentioned before, her thronecoming dress is more of a party dress than a ball gown like the other dolls. It follows her theme of roses rather than her "animal" theme (which is a unicorn). I love the plastic bodice and really fits the outfit (rather than being cheesy like Duchess Swan's).
She has painted on black gloves with silver roses at the top of the sleeve. Also comes with a standard two finger ring (which I cannot tell what it is.)
Her shoes are awesome and now that I got a good look at them, they are better than what I originally thought. I love the vines around the ankle and the roses and thorns on the heel.
Her hair has purple and the shiny tinsel mixed in. I like how the shiny is on the top rather than underneath the hair like Apples.
Briar does not come with a purse and comb. Her hair was very matted down so it did take a good brushing to get some body back into it.
She also comes with the mask of a unicorn. I forgot to picture her with it.
Briars "box" looks like the standard background of the other boxes. This was taped in the big box so it took a while to dislodge this cardboard.
What's cute about this set is that it looks like a storybook.
The spine holds the doll.
And the back has a scene from the Enchanted Forest.
You open the book by opening this flap.
There are three scenes that you can act out with this set. First is Briar's dorm room. A place for the girls to get ready for the dance!
Briar has a nice bed with roses on the comforter and a B on the pillow.
There is a hanger in case you want to hang up her dress. (Not that there is much for Briar to change into since there are no EAH fashion packs.)
There is also a place to hang her thronecoming mask. You have to hang it backwards though because of the bend in the handle.
There is a table which holds Briar's mirror
And there is a super awesome high back chair.
The chair back can be switched with the pillows on the headboard of the bed to make a short back chair if you wanted. I love the high headboard but I like the high back chair better.
The backdrop of her dorm room is super detailed which I like. The chandelier hangs from a string of roses.
Now there are a lot of people who are unhappy with the cardboard cutouts that come with the set. I don't think it's a big deal if you are careful with it (which we all know that some kids aren't!) But what I do not like is my cardboard cutouts do not open the way they are supposed to. My roses fold back into itself no matter which way I try to bend it. So that's a bummer.
Onto the dance!
There is an awesome purple gate that the attendees can enter through.
And a refreshment table!
Why am I in love with the refreshment table? Oh yeah, TINY ACCESSORIES! A cupcake, cake and two cups for punch.
Again, a super detailed backdrop of the refreshments.
And on the adjacent page, we have the DJ table. This is another cardboard cutout that does not stay down well.
It does have a hole in the back so you can stick Briar in there so she can mix the tunes for the dance. My Briar was already put away so I used a doll I had close at hand, my new Skipper. And the doll does help the DJ table stay down however, you would have the leave the doll in there for a long time to get the cardboard to mold and have it stay down by itself.
Then there is a regal ladder going up to the roof so you can look out over the enchanted forest. The platform is wide enough for a doll and the stand. But the fence is disproportionate to the height of the dolls so they would look much better on the ground floor.
Super detailed staircase. I like it!
One of the accessories was an Ever After High logo charm that can connect to the front of the storybook case. I won't leave it there as it doesn't lie flush and would get caught on something in storage.
And when you are ready to put it away, everything stores nicely in the bottom of Briar's bed.
Except a couple of things. The table stores in the spine of the book on Briar's dorm side.
And the staircase needs to be taken apart to store in the spine on the party side.
Then the bed stores in the spine of the book where the doll is stored.
And one last thing. The mirror insert in Briar's room can reverse and/or be taken out for your own Briar bookmark.
So all in all, this is a cute playset and perfect for the girl who wants a doll and something to play with on the go. Because everything stores within itself and all the pieces are "secured", it makes sure that nothing falls out when opened. I just wish the cardboard fold outs were a little better thought out.
So friends, what are your takes on this set and Thronecoming Briar?
WOW! Two blog posts in one week? I'm on a serious roll!
I took Jacob to Target to spend the $40 gift card some awesome friends got for us. And when I go to stores I cruise through the doll aisle. Anyone else guilty of this even if you've been to the store just two days prior? ;)
Well, Target has an exclusive Blondie Lockes. But you may remember me saying that I do not care much for Blondie's character or dolls. They seem a little lackluster to me.
First, the original release
Then her Thronecoming doll
Then they came out with the "Through the Woods" line. Again, not impressed.
Then, Target came out with this Blondie.
Um, OKAY! Now THIS is a Blondie to die for! She is from the "Just Sweet" line and is a Target exclusive. And I would have purchased her but the $25 price point is a little more than I wanted to spend. I'll probably catch her on Amazon further down the line. (Even though she's a Target exclusive, everything eventually shows up on Amazon right?)
Let's check out this beauty in more detail!
Purse? Functional cupcake. Cuteness!
Hair is pink, aqua, and blonde with a headpiece containing a bow and a cupcake.
She wears a gauntlet on one arm that looks like piped frosting.
Now what I love (besides the hair and the purse) is the dress. It's made to look like a cupcake wrapper. Her bodice is printed with all sorts of goodies and has a frosting belt with rosettes.
And we can't forget about THE SHOES! Cupcake heels with sprinkles on the toes and frosting around the edge with a pretty white bow. And how about those sparkle tights!
From what I've read, the Just Sweet line is going to be coming out along with Ginger Breadhouse's bakery playset. I may have to get this line!
I also had to take a quick glance at pretty Ashlynn. She got invited to the Blue Moon Forest Fest! You can watch the latest webisode to see who she invites with her (hint: it's not Hunter!)
I do like her Through the Woods character. It's so sweet and pretty.
And of course, because Ashlynn is all about the shoes, she picks the Glass Hiking Boot. I would not think these would be functional but she seems to think so. She's the expert! :)
So friends, what do you think of Just Sweet Blondie Lockes? Do you love her as much as I do? Planning on getting her? Let me know in the comments!
Until next time!
UPDATE: I just checked Target.com and Just Sweet Blondie is available for only $20 USD! I'm out of money so I'll have to get her later but if you want her, get her now!