Last time I mentioned that I have a very special item for Barbie.
I went to my local Fred Meyer (or Kroger depending which side of the country you live on) and they had a super huge sale on MH, EAH, and Barbie stuff. The Lizzie Hearts Spring Unsprung playset was down to $20. Had I been collecting that line I would have snagged it but I'm saving my money for the Way Too Wonderland line. :)
I have a kayak. I love it but unfortunately I have not had a chance to go in a while. (Pregnant last summer, baby this summer...)
I've been dying to get it out again. But while at the Barbie sale, I spotted this item. If I can't go, Barbie sure can!
The "Let's Go Kayak!" playset. At $5, this was not a deal I could pass up!
She comes with the kayak, paddle, life vest, MP3 player, water bottle, and sunglasses.
The water bottle is very cute. You put on the decal. It has a charm of the iconic Barbie head!
Here is the MP3 player, life vest and sunglasses. That tiny sticker you put on the MP3 player was a little tricky. But I did okay.
I used the Fashionista from my last post as the kayak model. Don't use a doll that has perfect hair for your kayaker. The life vest got stuck on her head and I had to rotate a little to get it on.
Now I was a little unsure of the fit of this rubber molded life vest. I do have to say it worked pretty well! It fits good and the tabs on the side do work on keeping it on.
She's ready to go have some fun!
The kayak opens up and fits the doll just perfectly.
Here she is, all ready to start her adventure
Fits her good!
There are other "Let's Go" playsets such as Windsurf, Bike, and Jetski.
Do you have any of these playsets? What do you think of the Kayak? Let me know in the comments!
As promised last time, here are the fabulous finds that my dad picked up for me at some garage sales! I think they're pretty cool and I hope you do as well!
First, Sun Jewel Teresa!
How this Teresa came really hits close to home. For me as a child, when a doll did not have a place in a case, it went back into it's box with all it's accessories. So to get a doll that has her original opened box is really a treasure. And by looking at the back of the box with a picture of the doll, this was not her original outfit.
Ah, there it is. Anyone know what outfit she is wearing? She also came with her brush and a pair of white sneakers.
Unfortunately she has a dirty nose. I'll have to see if it will come off easily or if I have to bust out the Clearasil cream for this one. But she is so pretty and in really great shape.
Next we have just randoms.
A pretty Barbie in a homemade dress. I think it's really cute! Her hair may need a boil dip to tame it.
Next, a pretty Belle doll who is in major need of a hair makeover.
I knew who this one was as soon as I grabbed her out of the bag.
Remember all the controversy this one caused quite a few years ago? Because GOD FORBID we teach young girls that tattoos are okay!
I don't know what your take is but how many children go around wearing temporary tattoos? This is nothing different. I absolutely love Butterfly Art Teresa and think she's a beautiful doll. And I'm sure I have a denim skirt somewhere that I can put with her to make her original!
I also have this one NIB. Back in 1998 the dolls were recalled so I think this one might be hot someday. I love her.
How unfortunate.
This sweet girl is missing a foot! She is a 2010 Sparkle Lights Princess. She is such a cutie, wish she had the other foot!
She still works too!
Guessing by the outfit on this one, she is some kind of horseback rider doll. She has articulated knees.
A fully articulated Raquelle? I can't keep up with the names of the Fashionistas.
An Aurora doll that needs a HUGE makeover! Poor thing.
And lastly, my favorite of the bunch. This absolutely gorgeous Kira doll.
She is just beautiful! Anyone know which one she is or where her dress is from?
And that's all for me today! What do you think of my new finds? Let me know in the comments! Next time I have a very special item that I picked up for Barbie. Stay tuned!
Not much time to type today as baby is getting ready to eat! But for a few minutes he is content with Daddy and I get a free moment to show you my newest addition to my growing Ever After High collection.
I recently purchased something from Amazon and if you spend $35, you get free shipping. So I had to tack a little more onto the purchase and a naturally new dolly seemed like a great choice.
The only problem was, which EAH doll to purchase? They had 5 out that I do not have but I could only get one.
The most beautiful...Darling Charming!
As I looked over the 5 I have yet to get, she caught my eye from the get-go. And I love her story.
Darling is the twin sister of brother Dexter and younger sister of Daring. She comes from a long line of Royals but this girl is a Rebel! Why? Because instead of being the damsel in distress, she wants to be the knight in shining armor!
She has a pretty face with a beauty mark and her makeup is in blue and purple tones.
Sticking to the knight theme, she has accents of silver shown by her tiara. It also has a pink feather, bow and heart design. Again, we have a headpiece that is mostly pink. I may have to doctor this one up like I did with Duchess.
I love the silver/blue theme she has going on. Her dress is really pretty but the focal point is the fact that she wears a breastplate of armor that comes around her waist. The armor does have a dainty feel with the jewels and flower design. Her dress seems to resemble Ashlynn's so you don't get much leg movement with Darling.
Her armor also has shoulder plates sticking true to the fact that she is determined to be the knight! I do love the detail on it.
She has a simple non-functioning silver purse with filigree designs. The edge resembles her shoulder plates.
Darling wears a bracelet/ring combo with a flower on the ring part.
Oh my goodness, love these!
They have that element of armor in them but also a little girly with the ruffles. You can see gems in the front of them, I may have to paint them as sapphires.
Like the armor and purse, awesome detail. They have studs and the heel is tiered like the shoulder plates. Don't you love them?
Darling has blue accents in her hair which I love with the blonde. It's in a very simple but elegant design. Her hair is going to take some more fixing up as it was very squished in the box.
So there you have it. Miss Darling Charming! I will have to say she is definitely one of the prettiest EAH dolls I have. And I just love her!
Mattel has been coming out with a bunch of new 1st wave EAH dolls. Yet to add to my collection:
Alistair Wonderland Bunny Blanc Rosabella Beauty Faybelle Thorn And the newest: Justine Dancer! (Daughter of the 12th Dancing Princess) Don't you love her (and her peep-toe shoes?)
So friends, do you have Darling Charming in your collection? Plan on getting her? Or maybe Justine Dancer or the others? Let me know in the comments! Not sure when I'll have a new post. I do have some more fabulous Dad garage sale finds. I'll get them up soon! Until next time!