I've been washing dolls, I've been crafting, I've been doing laundry, I've been shopping. I've been BUSY! I've also been digging way WAY back into the closet where my dolls are stored. It's underneath the stairwell in our house and let me tell you, with an 8 month pregnant belly, it wasn't easy! Digging in tubs and boxes in confined spaces. But I found what I needed. So here is the fruits of the labor!
First we have "The Trio."
This is California Dream Midge, Teresa and Barbie. I received these a few years ago and have been wanting to take them out. I finally did! This was the first Midge doll in my collection and I just love her. Especially her cute little roller skates! The socks are Barbie's but just didn't like the look on her so I gave them to Midge.
Teresa has some awesome yellow kicks with yellow and white socks.
Now, according to the back of the package, Barbie is supposed to have the same sneakers as Teresa but only in white. That is not what she came with. She came with the generic low top Barbie sneakers in yellow. Like the ones these ladies are wearing.
And they did not look good with socks at all. So she got All American Barbie's second pair of Reeboks! They look much better.
Now we have Sun Set Malibu Skipper modeling Sunny Pastels!
I bought this one off eBay and it was complete. I do have her little socks however, Skipper socks are SO HARD to get on. I even brushed some talc powder on her legs to help but it didn't. So I gave up. Besides, it's a sundress so it's okay. I love the little purse and this outfit was in mint condition! And all the sequins were intact so that was one thing I factored in when purchasing this outfit.
I remember seeing Sunny Pastels somewhere and just loving it.
Here we have the most fabulous couple ever. Barbie wearing Friday Night Date and Ken wearing Dreamboat.
Dreamboat was one of the "stinky" fashions I bought at the garage sale last summer. There were two reasons I put him in this outfit. First, my vintage Ken clothes (well, Ken clothes at all) are scarce and second was because of this set.
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www.manbehindthedoll.com |
And I don't have the Barbie ponytail doll so I used this doll
This is the Barbie Fashion Queen and since I have plenty of bubblecuts in my collection, I pulled out my mom's wigs that she played with as a child and used the platinum blonde one. It took some finagling to get it to stay in place but it's working. I think I need some Barbie sized hair pins.
I also washed her dress. I DO NOT recommend doing this with the jumper! The red on the top of the birdhouse is not colorfast and bled onto the other part of the birdhouse and above it on the jumper. But the wash did brighten up the corduroy!
Ken's clothes were good and not stinky anymore so I didn't have a problem putting him back in these. And I'm going to need to sew another snap on the back of his pants. It tore off and his pants fall down if I move him around too much. But this Ken looks identical to the one in the reproduction, that's cool.
Here is where the crafting comes in! I got these doll stands at a garage sale. They are not Fashion Doll Stands, so they are a little large for the dolls and had ugly wood bases. So I used fabric and Mod Podge and covered them. Some fabrics I had worked well and some I had didn't. These are the ones that didn't work so well but they covered up the wood so I'm happy with these.
I was anxious to dress someone permanent for the adorable Little Twin Stars Outfit I bought recently. I remembered I had this doll.
This is Totally Nails Teresa. I picked her up at the thrift store (for the fabulous purple hair) and then gave her a wash and boil dip but we still had some frizzy hair.
Conditioner. Totally use conditioner (or liquid Downy) after the wash.
MUCH better and perfect for the fashion show. Here she is in her outfit!
I have lots of purple shoes and I had some where the color matched the skirt perfectly. However I just wasn't feeling them with this outfit. So I chose these light blue mermaid/seashell/butterfly shoes that also matched with some colors on the skirt.
Remember this girl? My mom had a random head in her collection. So years ago I put the head on an old Gift Giving Barbie body. The neck didn't fit quite right but it was okay.
Well I read on The Fashion Doll Guide that Theater Date was supposed to be on an American Girl style doll. Not sure why but I put the outfit on her. Jacket needs to be pressed back into shape but it's perfect.
I was concerned with the fact that Gift Giving Barbie had bent arms and vintage dolls have straight arms. Rebody!
The skin tone doesn't match that well and the neck is still a little small but overall it works good!
The white top had a spot on it so it went in the wash and came out pristine. And anyone have any ideas of how to keep a pillbox hat on these dolls?
This brunette bubblecut doll is wearing Picnic Set!
Since I had almost the complete outfit I just had to dress a doll in it! I did have some trouble getting the hat on all that hair. I had to press it down pretty hard and it doesn't sit like it's supposed to but I still love it.
Even has all the items intact on the hat. So perfect.
The doll was one I received a couple of years ago and she was wearing Plantation Belle. I debated getting the other pieces of this outfit. I still might get them as I have some of the rare pieces, the hat and purse. I just need the petticoat, jewelry and gloves.
This oh-so-perfect bubblecut doll is wearing Sweater Girl. This outfit is so perfect for her.
This is the one with the broken neck joint. So how did I fix it? Just a pipe cleaner quadruple folded. She has a slight bobble head but it's not noticeable if you don't move her. It works perfect!
I also looked for her accessories like the knitting bowl and scissors. But didn't find any at a good price.
I think this next fashion is one of my most favorites. Remember her?
That had...
And we dressed her in...(to cover her slit ankle)
She got a new outfit!
Oh how perfect is this? The tights were HARD to get up over that ankle and the other leg has a broken bendy knee joint. So yeah. She's never getting out of this one! But this Winter Holiday outfit is TOO PERFECT!
Remember last time how I mentioned that the jacket was stiff. I had a hard time getting it on her and an equally hard time getting the sleeves of the hoodie in the jacket too. But I managed. This doll stand has a very tight grip so it was awesome to have it grip the jacket and hold it in place.
I bought the gloves off of eBay. I wasn't aware that they are vinyl and it was difficult to get them on her hands as after years they had smooshed closed. I used a hair dryer to get them pliable so I could get them on her! They still aren't fully on so I'll have to work on them some more.
Also remember how it's silly to have open toe wedges with footed tights on a winter holiday? So I gave her some kickin' boots! This also helps to keep her broken ankle stable.
A couple of years ago I got this Midge.
She was wearing some pieces from Tennis Anyone? but the skirt was not from that outfit. That was from a fashion pak. And underneath was not the outfit from Tennis Anyone? either. It was the scoop neck play suit from this fashion pak.
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www.pinterest.com (via eBay) |
She is wearing Barbie Baby-Sits and I just had to get the apron. It's just too adorable.
And she is holding the baby and has a bottle ready to go in her pocket! This outfit is just too perfect!
She has another stand that I covered in pink fabric. Didn't work out too well but it's okay.
I brought out this doll from storage to display. My OOAK bride doll.
Someone made this doll from a generic Fashion Avenue bride gown and did the hair. It's just too pretty to be stored away! A tan beauty.
This hair is done extremely well and I love the train!
My most favorite doll of all. She has to be here too! My mom's original Twist and Turn Barbie. Unfortunately my son got a hold of her and she did the "splits" and cracked her vinyl through the crotch area. Thankfully her leg joint popped right back in. She is now not allowed to have her clothes changed unless they go over the swimsuit.
Sweet sisters wearing Satin fashion pak mix and match pieces! I got the pink sparkle a couple of years ago with the other vintage dolls. Sandi was wearing the Satin n' Rose outfit but, because of the color of her earrings, I changed her into the light pink and put the magenta on the other doll.
Don't you just love this skirt? I tried to press it as best as I could with a cloth over it but after I saw that the sparkles were coming off on my ironing board, I decided to quit. It will flatten out over time I'm sure.
I don't have a shirt that goes with this. It's the same design as the magenta one (one shoulder with a bow) but I didn't see anything on eBay that was either in good condition or the right price. So I put on her the leotard from the Ballet set I have.
Sandi also got a condition treatment to help with her course hair. It worked well! But she has a weird root job so her hair sticks out funny on the right side of her head (right underneath the hat.) And I also need to trim some ends from her hair!
Again, any tips to keep the pillbox hat on? It's so cute on Sandi!
The other sister was wearing the original vintage fashion from my mom's collection Aboard Ship. This was my mom's favorite outfit and I could have kept her in it but I decided to change it up.
She is now wearing the Satin n' Rose from 1964.
I washed the entire outfit as it was dirty from many years of play. This was one of my favorites to put on my dolls. I tried to press the pieces as best as I could but again, stopped as I didn't want to ruin the fabric.
I thought it gave it a little different flair to have the skirt over the pants. I even have the sparkle open toe heels!
And these two stands are the ones that turned out the best. The fabric took really well to the mod podge over the wood.
She is always the belle of every fashion show and one of my ultimate favorite dolls. My ex got her for me deboxed but I love her just the same. The Enchanted Evening Reproduction.
Gorgeous blonde ponytail.
And the cute sparkle shoes!
This bubblecut I found at the thrift store years ago. She is wearing the original from my mom's collection called Matinee Fashion.
One of my favorite outfits for sure. And so beautiful on this doll.
This stand turned out well however, the fabric I used was a dark crimson red and turned magenta when I mod podged it.
Vintage Ken wearing Terry Togs is also included in our fashion show. He got some blue painters tape on the bottom of his feet to keep his slippers on. I was afraid I was going to lose one!
And last but certainly not least. This awesome trio.
Here is what I put on my beautiful black ponytail doll. Wedding Day! There was one reason I put my ponytail doll in this fashion. Well, two reasons. I love this gown and I have the Hallmark Ornament with the same hair color!
She (her head) spent a few days in the spa getting treatment for green ear. I would love to put the pearl earrings back in her but don't want to risk green ear again. I knew the CLR treatment wouldn't get rid of the green completely but it did diminish it quite well. Here is the "not as bad" side.
And the "really bad" side
I took a bracelet (I think) and stretched it out to make a necklace. I tried a triple strand pearl necklace (like the one on Enchanted Evening) but it just didn't look right. I don't have any gloves for this one so I'll have to get some.
This torso photo, you can see where the rip is in the lace. I had to be very careful putting this on her! Those doll thumbs can be deadly to lace.
A few years ago I got this Midge.
I wasn't sure of what she was wearing. It seems to be an Indian type of dress (the scarf and the jewel on her head are typical of traditional dress in India.) It was sewn on her so I had to take the seam ripper to it. But her hair was absolutely perfect. She was the best one to wear the Orange Blossom Bridesmaid dress.
The gloves are actually from the Bride's Dream dress I got this Christmas. In fact, the cellophane that the gloves were in wasn't even opened. These gloves are brand brand new! Never been worn!
My mom had Orange Blossom in her collection but I didn't have the lace overdress. The yellow sheath dress is on another doll buried in the depths of the boxes under the stairs. So I just bought new on eBay.
The lace got a soak in Oxy Clean and turned out beautiful. The waist seam is coming undone however, that is an easy repair. I mainly purchased this one because of the veil. It is in mint condition. And it is just perfect for Midge.
This stand turned out exceptional with the beautiful gold fabric.
And the most adorable flower girl ever! Skipper is wearing Flower Girl. I bought this one off eBay as well and gave it an Oxy Clean soak.
I need to repair the bows at the top. I had a very hard time getting them tied and clean. I untied them so I could scrub them white but realized that maybe they aren't supposed to be white but yellow. I'll need to pick up some of this tiny ribbon. Then I can add ribbon to the headdress and bouquet too.
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barbie.mattel.com |
This Skipper doll is not wearing original white shoes but the yellow goes nicely. I bought this dress mainly for the intact headband, gloves, and bouquet.
So pretty. And surprisingly her socks were not that hard to get on! Unlike the ones that came with Sunny Pastels.
Laundry also included these pieces.
I tried to get the rust out of the duplicate hoodie from Winter Holiday. It didn't come all the way out so not sure what to do about it. I don't think it will ruin a doll if I have it on someone. Not sure how it got like that!
Resort Set got cleaned too! The white shorts were really dirty but that type of fabric (the same fabric on my Baby Sitter Midge body suit) really holds up well and cleans easy. The shirt is also super clean and nice! I debated dressing a doll in this one too. However I wanted the hat that goes with it and really, the hat needs to be on a ponytail doll. I have ONE ponytail doll and as shown above, is wearing Wedding Day.
And the seller who sent the Babysitter apron added a little goodie. A booklet of fashions and a shower cap from Singing in the Shower. The elastic is a little stretched out but still a really great piece to have! I might have to get the rest of it so she can match Ken's Terry Togs.
I created lots of space on my shelves so all of these beauties have a permanent place to be displayed. Hubby made a riser so all my dolls can be 2 deep.
Well, that's it for the fashion show! All these dolls were excited to be dressed in their new spiffy fashions. And vintage doll clothes are terribly expensive on eBay! I tried to find ones that were not more than $30 a piece. I can't afford upwards of $70-$100 for one fashion set and I certainly don't need it NIB. And some repairs I can make myself (like the replacement bows on Skippers Flower Girl dress.)
Hopefully I can find more vintage dolls (or reproduction dolls) to put the rest of these fashions on! The raincoat was a very close contender for dressing but was just too expensive trying to put the pieces together, especially for the umbrella! And definitely need a Ken for the wedding day set. I might pull out one from my collection to go with her. Can't have a bride without a groom!
What do you think friends? I had so much fun playing with these and got them all spiffy before the baby comes! Let me know which ones are your favorites! And if you have any ideas of how to keep the pillbox hats on, I'm all ears!
Until next time!
Wow, what a fabulous fashion show! I really enjoyed it :-). You have a beautiful collection! It's great how you have displayed your dolls, with the 2 rows.
Pill hats can be secured with a pin through the head on a discrete place so the pin doesn't show. Or with small bobby pins especially for Barbie sized dolls, but they will show.
Thanks Millicent! The pin is a good idea, I'll have to try that! Yes, the 2 rows is very nice. I'm glad hubby had the idea. Gives me so much more room to display!
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