Every once in a while, I go through and look down the Barbie aisle at the store just to see what's new. I was not very impressed with Wal-Mart's selection of dolls. They had a few "I Can Be..." and just two of the new "The Princess and the Pop Star" dolls. The Barbies were done after about a half of an aisle.
This weekend I went to Target to look for a birthday gift for my niece. I was astounded by the entire aisle and a half of Barbies! Not only did they have more "I Can Be..." than I could have dreamed of, they also had Fashionistas, Barbie Basics, The Tim Gunn doll and fashions and twice as many "The Princess and the Pop Star" dolls. Even The Princess and the Pop Star fashions! They also had a very cute halloween doll (Target Exclusive) and and this Barbie.
barbie.mattel.com |
Sydney Opera House Barbie Doll. Do want! I had a very hard time not bringing her home with me. But at a retail of almost $40, I had to wait. I did not know they had "Dolls of the World Landmark Collection" but I want them all. So pretty! But now I know that Target is the place for Barbie!
Enough rambling and making my wish list. :) This post is one big
help! topic! Just clothing ID. As some of you may know, I love dolls in their original clothing. My mom bought me some clothes so I'm wondering if some are actually for a Barbie doll. If they are Genuine Barbie I will specify in the post. Here goes!
First I will need three members from the audience. Since I don't know which body mold these clothes will fit I will need one old, one new, and one Ken. These ones volunteered first.
My First Ken, Wet 'n Wild Teresa, and Really Rosy Kayla. These are the clothes that my mom bought for me at a garage sale. Look how neatly they are packaged.
The first we will try is a little skirt and sheer top ensemble. No tags.
I am a little concerned about the shirt since it's sheer. Does it go under something? The top fit better on Teresa because she filled it out more than Kayla. However, the skirt on Teresa was a little too big in the waist because it's made for a doll with hips.
Next is a peasant top and skirt with grapes. No tags.
This outfit fit Teresa better because she fills out the top more than Kayla. I did try it on Kayla and it fit too but looked better on Teresa.
Next is a Barbie logo outfit with a handbag. There is a tag that says "Fashion Avenue Barbie."
If you feel the pants they are flocked and it was really hard to get them on either of the dolls. The shirt fits better on a smaller chested doll like Kayla. However, the pants are not fastened. I couldn't even get them fastened on the Teresa. I had such a hard time getting them on her but they are super cute, no? I ran a google search for Fashion Avenue and could not find this particular outfit.
A little striped top and arabian pant combo. No tags.
I chose Kayla for this outfit because her hips filled out the pants better. On Teresa they looked somewhat sloppy. The top looks fine on either.
A cute little Springtime dress I'm guessing off of an Easter doll. There is a Genuine Barbie tag.
Definitely fit better on the Kayla.
Funny that there are three bottoms and two tops of this swimsuit. But I knew exactly what doll they were for because I have her. Surf City Barbie!
This last dress is beautiful but a little odd. No tags.
It fits Teresa good but the top is off.
The top closes but it fits underneath the boobs instead of covering them. It looks like a piece of starched lace that was converted into a nice top. And it would be a nice top if it covered her. When you pull it up the bottom pooches out and doesn't lay flat. Not sure about this one!
Lastly in the pile there is a Ken outfit. No tags.
The pants fit like a dream but the coat seems a little large. Not sure if it's for a Ken or not.
Here are some other random pieces to identify.
Pink velvet coat, no tags.
Genuine Barbie pink princess dress. I have to repair it a little at the top but it's beautiful.
Again, another piece that I have the doll for. The skirt for Halloween Maskerade Barbie! Wish I had the top too!
Genuine Barbie mod dress.
Three swimsuits that I need to repair the straps on. None have tags.
A top that is not long enough to be a dress. No tags.
A Barbie logo tank.
The outfit that came on my Fashion Fever Drew doll when I got her. Skirt says Genuine Barbie, top has no tag.
A Genuine Barbie dress. The material is kind of a nylon. Seems like it would resist spills or stains?
Another Genuine Barbie dress. I love this one!
Red party dress, no tags.
Two skirts and a pair of shorts. The red floral one is actually has built in underwear. All have no tags.
An adorable hat with cherries on the lining.
A pair of shorts and a skirt. No tags on the shorts, the skirt is Genuine Barbie.
Genuine Barbie PJ's. I wonder if the teddy bear goes with?
Three pairs of pants. The jeans on the bottom are even a little small on a Skipper so I'm wondering if they are Barbie at all. They have little plastic zipper teeth on the back for decoration. All have no tags.
Genuine Barbie lingerie. However, the bra is not big enough to cover the doll (even a Skipper!)
Sparkly Genuine Barbie Valentine dress. Which doll is it from? :)
Genuine Barbie stain floral dress.
SO cute! Genuine Barbie pink dress with cow-print skirt.
Genuine Barbie felt Christmas Dress.
This dress has a tag that says "Disney Store Exclusive Princess." Any idea which princess it belongs to?
Genuine Barbie cute pink dress. Fits a 90's doll perfectly.
And a flowy and sparkly purple and sliver dress. Really pretty but no tags!
Any help, as always, is very much appreciated. I love trying to figure out what dolls these clothes are from but my google searches for these items are coming up empty. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
~Let's put together some outfits!~